Photo by John Lackey  #avgeek    

Originally shared by Fly By Photography

Changing it up a bit today. Faaaat Tuesday!

Why Faaaat Tueday? So I can feature a photo of Fat Albert. Fat Albert? Fat Albert is the nickname given to the Blue Angels’ support aircraft. Fat Albert or Bert for short, is a C-130T Hercules that is operated by a US Marine Corps aircrew. Bert carries the Blue’s support staff, tools and spare parts to each show site. Bert also has his own demo prior to the Blue Angels F-18 Hornet performance.

“Bert Takes A Bow”
Fat Albert at the end of his demo on Saturday at the 2016 MCAS Cherry Point Airshow.

‪#‎FatTuesday‬ ‪#‎BlueAngels‬ ‪#‎C130Hercules‬ ‪#‎flying‬ ‪#‎photography‬ ‪#‎Marines‬ ‪#‎MarineCorps‬ ‪#‎FlyByPhotography