Originally shared by Lord Anubis

Fw-190A-6 of Sturmstaffel 1 attacking a B-17. Sturmstaffel 1 was a unit of Fw-190s whose pilots pledged that, in an attempt to bring down US Heavy Bombers, not to open fire until they were only 150-200 metres away and if that failed ram them. Their origin comes from one of Goering’s orders in November 1943, stating that German pilots should start ramming American bombers as a last resort. The unit was declared operational in late 1943 and saw action through early 1944. It was renamed 11. JG4 in late May 1944.

The 190s were given 9mm appliqué a around the cockpit to protect the pilot from incoming fire, as can be seen here on this Fw-190. The use of ramming came to a head in April 1945 with the Sonderkommando Elbe.

Many thanks to Adak Whidbey​ for originally posting this picture of this unique and nearly unheard if unit in action!