This is one post I am not looking forward to doing because it is going to touch on reality.

Gazing Skyward TV is very much a labor of love and I really enjoy all the social interaction. Sometimes even more than the sourcing and creation of content. I want to do so much more to get more people interested in aviation!

Over time it has become more and more difficult to keep up with notifications and interacting socially with you while at the same time working on Gazing Skyward TV’s future. I need to find some ways to save time. The problem is most of the ways of saving time cost money. Money isn’t something that I have.

One thing that Google+ doesn’t do very well is notifications especially when you have a large page. On many days I will receive over 200 notifications. At this point, there is no way to sort notifications so I can get to the most important ones, which are comments from you. A tool like agorapulse would cut down on the time it takes to manage the Gazing Skyward TV social accounts and to get to the most important notifications much quicker.

$200 a month would make all the difference. It would allow me to focus more of my energy in taking Gazing Skyward TV to the next level and getting more people interested in aviation. Please consider supporting my work on Patreon. You can give as little as $1 a month. I am already 1/10 of the way to meeting this $200.