Let the discussions begin.

Chris Black stated: Yes, that’s right, I’ve gone from anti F-35 to pro F-35 and stealth to anti F-35 (but not anti-stealth entirely) and I will do my best to explain why.

Read his article to understand his reasoning.
#avgeek   #military   #stealth  

Originally shared by Chris Black

My first post since November (feels good to be back) and the first of a 2 part series. Covering my newly formed opinions on stealth, the F-35 and why current fighter aircraft can be made just as, if not more capable than the F-35 and it offers insight into what has finally changed my mind.

Hunting down articles and declassified info on missile performance and how said performance measures up to certain modern fighters and how most modern aircraft still make BVR ineffective. Not to mention the growing power of IRST and it’s impact on missile detection at range and it’s influence on evasion. 

Hope you all enjoy it!