AUREL’S AIRCRAFT WORKER – 1942 – informational book

I share this Fred Robel post for those interested in this unique book. See Fred’s other post that I shared earlier.

Originally shared by Fred Robel

Copyright and Foreword pages from Audels AIRCRAFT WORKER informational book. 1942.

It is of interest to note the year of this book, and how it would have been used to prep and advise people as they entered the workforce, supporting aircraft production as the United States fought World War 2.

“Remember always to keep busy when in the Shop. Between jobs your tools can be repaired. Be accurate in your work. Your rate of salary will be governed by the correctness of the parts you make.”

Words to live by, for sure. But the world is seemingly different nowadays. Many people fall into their smartphones when things are slow. And pay rates are pretty set in jobs these days, whether you work hard or not (or be correct), doesn’t seem to be a factor anymore for the most part in your pay. Just as long as you are “good enough” in most respects to not get fired; you’ll get the same raises as anyone else. :/
