This Day in Aviation History
February 7th, 2001
Death of Anne Morrow Lindbergh, the wife of Charles Lindbergh.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh was born June 22, 1906, in Englewood, New Jersey. In 1929 she married Charles Lindbergh. She got her glider pilot’s license in 1930. Their first child was murdered in 1932. She went on to write more than two dozen works. After Charles’ death in 1974, she spent the next 25 years writing and editing her diaries for publication. She died February 7, 2001, in Passumpsic, Vermont….
bio., Anne Morrow Lindbergh:
YouTube, Charles and Anne Morrow Lindbergh: Couple of an Age:
Please follow the above link. There is a short video biography that may interest you.
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Photo from:  National Air and Space Museum, Smithsonian Institution.
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