*Correction* A number of people have mentioned that the photo I used in today’s post is of a Petlyakov Pe-2. Here is a link to a photo of the Yak-4: http://gstv.us/1oSe27N
This Day in Aviation History
February 20th, 1940
First flight of the Yakovlev Yak-4.
The Yakovlev Yak-4 (Service names Yak-4, BB-22bis (Blizhnij Bombardirivschik, “short-range bomber”)) was a Soviet light bomber used during World War II. It was developed from the Ya-22/Yak-2….
Wikipedia, Yakovlev Yak-4: http://gstv.us/1SFzysO
For further reading, please check out this article from Aviastar: http://gstv.us/1SFzV6o
If you enjoy the “This Day in Aviation History” collection, you may enjoy some of these other collections from Gazing Skyward TV: http://gstv.us/GSTVcollections
Photo from: http://gstv.us/1SFA5e9
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